Chris Helmbrecht, born on August 1, 1971, in Munich, has embarked on a diverse journey characterized by continuous development and a sincere dedication to innovative ideas. His resume tells a story of dedicated learning, persistent growth, and a pronounced sense of cultural diversity.
After completing his training as a police officer in the middle service in 1992, Chris expanded his professional horizons. Initially, he worked in the helicopter squadron of the Federal Police, aiming to become a helicopter pilot, while simultaneously establishing himself as a respected extreme snowboarder. During this phase, he also honed his writing skills, contributing articles to renowned snowboarding magazines in the German-speaking region.
His departure from the Federal Police in 1997 marked the beginning of a new era. Chris delved into the world of the internet and marketing, and his curiosity led him to diverse positions in different countries and industries, granting him a wide range of skills.
His professional journey began in web development at a company in Munich, where he contributed to projects for prestigious clients like MTV. Later, his enthusiasm for interactive design took him to New York, where he assumed various roles in agencies and deepened his expertise in integrated marketing communications and campaigns. In 2000, Chris worked as a manager at one of the largest advertising agencies in the USA for the advertising conglomerate Havas. In this role, he took charge of technical matters and website development for clients such as Volvo, New Balance, VitaminShoppe, and many others. He led a team of programmers and web designers and later founded his own New Media Production company in New York.
His professional path led Chris to Russia after a stint as the manager of a major online travel platform in Tenerife, Spain. In Moscow, he worked as the CEO of the agency Kollektiv, where he designed websites, engaged in new media activities, and even created TV commercials for prestigious clients. During this time, he also organized exclusive private events for high net worth individuals from Russia and around the world, including notable occasions during Formula 1 races and the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Moscow. Chris also coordinated events for FIFA.
In addition to his professional career, Chris is known as a DJ who performs on international stages and embodies a wide range of music styles. His interest in different cultures is reflected in his roles as a DJ, event organizer, and author.
Through his ongoing commitment to personal growth and continuous education, Chris has developed versatility. His cultural understanding and passion for music and events make him a person who constantly strives to make the most of all facets of his life.
Today, Chris resides in Munich and finds balance both in the city and in the mountains around Schliersee and Spitzingsee. His journey embodies the pursuit of success and the ability to connect different worlds without losing sight of the essentials.
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